Saturday, March 3, 2012

Healthy Find: PB2

While I don't entirely condone "diet foods" (i.e. snackwells and their fat free, yet 'not a low calorie food' can suck it), if someone makes something I'm already going to eat, healthier, I won't fight them on it.

Prime example, peanut butter. It tastes good. It's high in protein, however it's high in fat as well. And while it has "good fats", it just doesn't always fit into my daily intake. And that makes me a bit sad. So enter, PB2. 

This stuff is amazing- and it is peanut butter. The nutrition facts are as follows:

PB2: Powdered Peanut Butter
Ingredients: Roasted peanuts, sugar and salt.
Serving size: 2 Tablespoons (12 grams)
Servings per container: 15
Amount per 2 Tablespoon serving (when mixed with water):
Calories: 45
Calories from fat: 13

Chocolate PB2
Ingredients: Roasted peanuts, cocoa powder, sugar and salt.
Serving size: 2 Tablespoons (12 grams)
Servings per container: 15
Amount per 2 Tablespoon serving (when mixed with water):
Calories: 45
Calories from fat: 10

I personally use it to mix into smoothies (PB2 & banana with vanilla is a favorite), or anywhere I'd use peanut butter. It tastes a little more like natural peanut butter, in regard to texture, rather than super-creamy peanut butter. But I really like it. I got it on Amazon PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter and Powdered Cocoa Peanut Butter, but you can get it directly from the company as well. They have a  ton of great recipes on their website, so if you do order it, have a look for some inspiration. 

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